World of Wisdom Stories
Fall 2021, 8th/15th/22nd of September at 19.00 CET
How can we tell stories around money and wealth that allow us to thrive?
We have created a gathering of three sessions in September 2021. The theme is money/wealth. You will get to practice three different modalities with experienced facilitators.
World of Wisdom Stories is content and a series of gatherings focused around Stories. The purpose is to allow you to practice interacting with your stories and discover how you shape them and they shape you. There is a podcast series if you’re curious.
Belina Raffy
Methodology: Improv
Practice your ability to reframe, and discover your relationshop to money/wealth
Maria Paz Achiardo
Methodology: Inquiry
How you can use self-inquiry (the Work of Byron Katie) to overcome any money issue.
Rosario Rojas
Methodology: Embodiment
Learn tools and new attitudes to broaden your perspectives on wealth and experience your own super power connected to it.
“We think we tell stories, but stories often tell us, tell us to love or hate, to see or be seen. Often, too often, stories saddle us, ride us, whip us onward, tell us what to do, and we do it without questioning.” – Rebecca Solnit
Money/Wealth is a dominating narrative in our world. There are those with and those without. What does it make you if you have money? Or not? Discovering a different story and relationship with money could unlock potential and possibilities you never knew existed. That is why we are bringing in 3 wonderful facilitators that will guide us through 3 modalities of discovery in relationship to money and wealth. These sessions will let you work with your relationship and story to money through the different modalities with the aim of inviting new perspectives, perhaps even to heal and begin to tap into a potential you did not think was there.
We will host 3 sessions via Zoom on the 8th, 15th and 22nd of September. The sessions start at 19 CET and end between 21 and 21:30 CET. Ticket prices for the whole program are 30/45/75 €.
8th of September 19 – 21.30 (CET): Facilitator: Belina Raffy. Modality: Improv. Here’s a podcast with Belina Raffy that we recorded in the ramp up to the session. Here’s a podcast with Belina Raffy that we recorded in the ramp up to the session. Practice your ability to reframe, and discover your relationship to money/wealth
15th of September 19 – 21.30 (CET). Facilitator: Maria-Paz Acchiardo. Modality: Inquiry / The Work. Here’s a podcast with Maria-Paz that we recorded in the ramp up to the session. How you can use self-inquiry (the Work of Byron Katie) to overcome any money issue.
22nd of September 19 – 21.00 (CET). Facilitator: Rosario Rojas. Modality: Embodiment. Here’s a podcast with Rosaria in the ramp up to the session. Learn tools and new attitudes to broaden your perspectives on wealth and experience your own super power connected to it.
Sessions – Themes and Facilitators
Session 1 – 8th September 19.00-21.30 CET
Methodology – Improv Toolkit
More about the facilitator:
The empress and director of Maffick Ltd, Applied Improvisation and Thrivability thought-leader, Thrivable World Quest co-founder and global captain. She used to work for a big bank in London and New York and saw a bunch of people burning out. She thought ‘there’s got to be a better way than this.’ and did an MBA at Cranfield School of Management to relax and regroup.
She started studying and applying improvisation skills to work. Skills which help us to navigate uncertainty, co-create deeply. Her work is increasingly exploring how we might totally transform our organisations so that we (and the organisations we are in) serve life beautifully. Belina believes improvisation is vital for what the world is facing now – and it is her passion to spread these mindsets, practices and skills as much as possible, as well as to support others who do this with breathtaking ability.
Why this method?: To build the capacity of thinking and acting in the present tense. And to practice perspective-taking and internalise systemic perspectives and build responsibility and agency.
Session 2 – 15th of September 19.00-21.30 CET
Methodology: Inquiry toolkit
More about the facilitator:
Born in Chile, she grew up contemplating the heights of the mighty Andes Mountains and engaging in challenging games with the powerful waves of the Pacific Ocean. Maria-Paz has been a refugee child, a professional simultaneous interpreter, a backpacker, a networker, a scuba diver, a manager of educational projects, a motivational speaker and a politician. She studied cultural science, film and mass communications at the University of Stockholm and parallel with her studies founded Sinapsis, a video production firm. In her 30s she became President of the Board of Stockholms City Theatre, a Board Member of The Royal Institute of Art and a Board Member of Stockholms Stadshus AB, a consortium with a revenue of € 1,7 billion – but above all, she has always remained an entrepreneurial soul eager to help anyone wanting to get unstuck and realize their dreams.
At age 37, Maria-Paz was elected Vice Mayor of Stockholm and head of culture and sports when the city was the European Capital of Culture and candidate to host the Olympic Games. She later committed herself for 10 years to develop the Swedish Trade Union Confederations policies, campaigns, and projects to prevent ethnic discrimination and racism.
Being an inexhaustible workaholic, Maria-Paz decided in 2009 that the best way to cure herself of a growing burnout was to quit her job, move to the woods by the seaside and fulfill one last dream she still had; to build a house with her own hands. In slowing down she recovered, enjoying the adventure of building her home, reconnecting with the healing power of nature, the daily contact with wild animals and the astonishing sunrises of the Baltic Sea.
For years she immersed herself profoundly in studying the human mind, the brain’s functions and how to access deeper layers of consciousness. Since then she has wholeheartedly assisted people in stressful situations and crises of suffering so they can find peace of mind, become free, and enjoy life to the fullest. Maria-Paz is a mentor for politicians, leaders, and entrepreneurs who want to optimise their inner resources, discover the core of their true potential and become more empowered, self-aware and wise. She actively supports organisations, networks, and individuals who are committed and work for a more conscious and sustainable world.
Session 3 – 22nd of September 19.00-21.00 CET
Methodology: Embodiment
More about the facilitator:
Rosario works to increase awareness and presence for both the individual and the group. Increased awareness is a prerequisite for a sustainable process of change. Rosario supports her work on physiology, the latest research on consciousness, and how our brain works.Among other qualifications, Rosario is an authorized physiotherapist, a behavioral scientist, a certified Zen Coach and Mindfulness Instructor, and a Relationship Therapist. For years, she has facilitated mindfulness and emotional intelligence training for corporate leaders and organizations. Her vast experience in different fields has given her a deep understanding of the importance of the environment, both inner and outer, when developing the best versions of ourselves to enable us to manifest the lives we truly want to live.

Belina Raffy
Capacity builder for activators of awesomeness, making saving the world more delightful, connected & powerful

Maria Paz Acchiardo
By using a toolkit love, curiosity and empathy Maria Paz helps individuals see life from an abundant perspective.

Rosario Rojas
Channeling inner and outer change by increasing mindfulness and presence in individuals and organisations.
Background & Invitation
Stories are at the heart of human history and we have used storytelling to convey culture, history and values that forge connections between groups and individuals. As individuals we always have a perspective and one perspective is never the whole story. Indigenous cultures have recognised that the whole story can only be unveiled by the aggregate of multiple perspectives. In a world of narrative wars, reductionist cultures and increasing pace we believe that now is the time to slow down and shine a light on the stories we carry. Can we hack our consciousness and meaningfully affect outcomes by mindfully examining the stories we tell ourselves and others?
World of Wisdom Stories is a gathering where we playfully explore and practice interaction with the stories that guide our lives, both the ones we are conscious of as well as the unconscious narratives that are shaping us as individuals and collectives. Using the Guiding Principles we collectively create a space for us to go deep into the topic and ask questions that allow for the emergence of personal transformation and greater wisdom. Join us around this virtual campfire!
Your hosts

Amit Paul
Co-creator/organiser of the World of Wisdom Stories Micro gathering.
“For me stories is that forgotten technology that I believe, if remembered fully, can save the world. If we can discover the nuances and possibilities in the everyday stories we tell ourselves this allows for access to such potential – at least it’s had the effect on me.”
Contact Amit with any questions regarding this gathering at

Melker Larsson
Co-creator / organiser of the World of Wisdom Stories Micro gathering
“Gradually becoming aware of the stories I live by and the stories that filter reality is changing the way I lead my life. I feel like I’ve just dipped my toe into this field, already sensing how ownership of my stories affords me to live and interact with agency. I believe that stories can be our greatest tool or our toughest obstacle towards creating the world, and lives, we want. Which stories don’t serve us? What if we told empowering stories to ourselves and to others? You won’t regret going on this journey of exploration. You might not come back the same, but that’s kind of the point – isn’t it?”
Here below is a list of content produced in the ramp up to this exploration and some content we’ve found that might spark your interest since you are considering going to this event:
Next Steps
This is an experiment and the first ever World of Wisdom Micro gathering in the form of a practice session. If the community wants more of this we are feeling called to arrange similar gatherings on other topics with equally awesome facilitators in the future. low.